My goal is to make a random Perlin walker that isn't so random but instead tends to move roughly in the direction of the mouse.
Ah it's nice to not have to code from web API to determine mouse events. Just using `mouseX` and `mouseY` works with p5.js. Happy magic.
Okay, I failed miserably with this one. Beaten by the math part - I couldn't figure out how to use Perlin walker (a pseudo-random number generator 0 to 1) to determine the next position for a walker on the canvas AND make it biased toward mouse position. Without the bias, it's just the Perlin walker done a few days ago.
Since I messed up this one I renamed it to something else than I originally intended to name it.
Spent more time than I could afford on this one and still failed to produce what I wanted. Felt sucky, but I'm telling myself this is part of making art that relies on algorithms and math - you don't always get all of them right!